Name | Image | Tier | Pool | Description | Flavor |
Platinum Coin Stash |  | Deprecated | | Upon pickup, gain 600 gold. | An overflowing satchel filled with platinum coins. So rare you have probably never seen one before. |
Breaker Blade |  | Common | | Deal 50% more damage to enemies with 90% or more HP remaining. | Get your head out of the clouds, there are enemies to fight! |
Lawnmower |  | Common | | If you do not play any Skills during your turn, gain an additional [E] next turn. If you do not play any Powers during your turn, draw an additional card next turn. | The blades spin endlessly inside, perhaps you should too. |
Leaf Blower |  | Common | | Every 10 times you exhaust a card, apply 1Weak to a random enemy. | Try taking the dust from your exhausted cards and blow it at your enemies? A splendid tool! - Ranwid. |
Slice of Cake |  | Common | | Upon pickup, gain 2 Max HP. The first time a curse is exhausted each combat, draw 2 cards. | Its sweet taste gets rid of the aftertaste of the grim deeds partaken in while climbing the spire. |
Ambrosia |  | Uncommon | | Upon pickup, gain 2 Max HP. Whenever you play 10 skills, gain [E] and draw 1 card. | Additively Delicious, made with an almost endless sea of fruits. |
Ankh Shield |  | Uncommon | | When you get a debuff, negate it and gain 2Metallicize. Goes on cooldown for 5 turns. | Eternal Life? |
Cloud in a Bottle |  | Uncommon | | Upon pickup, choose a card. When you draw it, draw 1 more card and discard 1 card. | Let your problems float away, even this card if you don't want it. |
Fart in a Jar |  | Uncommon | | Upon pickup, choose a card. Each time the card was drawn this combat, ALL enemies gain 1Poison at the start of the turn. | Somehow the Zoologist's venture was worse than the party girl bathwater... |
Flairon |  | Uncommon | | When you play an Attack, increase the counter by 4. Playing a Skill resets the counter, the first time this happens each combat gain equal Vigor. | Bubbles go pop, but enemy also goes pop, fun isn't it? - Kublai the Great |
Galaxy Pearl |  | Uncommon | | There is a 10% chance to add a common Relic reward, then 25% chance to obtain two additional Cards in each reward at the end of each combat. Doubled chances to pay out in Elite or Boss rooms. | I wonder what oyster this fell out of? |
Minishark |  | Uncommon | | At the start of your turn, deal 6 damage to a random enemy. | Apparently its half a shark, who knows how dangerous a full one could be! |
Sandstorm in a Bottle |  | Uncommon | | Upon pickup, choose a card. When you play it, the next card you play this turn goes ontop of your draw pile. | Sandstorm music *INTENSIFIES*. |
Tsunami in a Bottle |  | Uncommon | | Upon pickup, choose a card. When you draw it, Retain your hand this turn. | What a nice bottle to put an ocean in... |
Aegis Fruit |  | Rare | | The first time you would lose HP each combat, lose 4 less now and for the rest of the turn. | It looks like a fruit, but it would break your teeth. |
Bacon |  | Rare | | Upon pickup, gain 7 Max HP. Whenever you play a card that cost 4 or more, gain 2Strength,Dexterity and Focus. | Just add water. |
Beetle Armor |  | Rare | | You lose 4 less HP when you lose HP, until after you have played a Skill during this turn. | Three beetles will protect you, but only while you assert your dominance over the spire, they distain weakness. |
Blizzard in a Bottle |  | Rare | | Upon pickup, choose a card. The card is more bundlecore:Retentive. | Don't let it go, don't let it go! |
Daedlus Stormbow |  | Rare | | When you deal unblocked attack damage, a random enemy takes 1 damage and increase this amount by 1 until you take unblocked attack damage or play a Skill. | Experienced players can hear this relic and the stars it makes... |
Golf Cart |  | Rare | | Every 10 times you deal unblocked Attack damage, gain 10Block. | Smells faintly of a ham and cheese toastie. The duke malds at the sight of it. |
Gummy Worm |  | Rare | | At the start of your turn, except the first, draw 1 less but put a card from your discard pile into your hand. | Its advised to go fishing with this relic. |
Nettle Burst |  | Rare | | When you hit something with Attack damage, apply 1Poison, and 3 more times if the target has block leftover. | A staff replicating vines from a great menace of the jungle. |
Rod of Discord |  | Rare | | The first time each combat you lose hp during your turn, gain 1Intangible. You may click this relics button once per combat to lose 6 HP. | A handy tool to make a daring escape, or teleport into a wall! |
Starfury |  | Rare | | When you deal unblocked Attack damage, deal 2 damage to a random enemy. | As you swing this new blade, stars begin to fall on creatures that wished to harm you. |
Vital Crystal |  | Rare | | Whenever you play 10 cards, heal 2 HP. | Helps you recover health faster, you can faintly see a red crystal trapped inside this shell. |
Truffle Worm |  | Special | | Every time you enter "?" and Elite rooms, heal 6 HP. | Warning! |
Celestial Shell |  | Boss | | At the start of combat, gain 4Metallicize,1Strength,Dexterity,Focus, and 1Orb slot. At the start of your turn, gain 3Vigor. | It no longer stacks. |
Crimson Heart |  | Boss | | At the start of combat, apply 2bundlecore:Antifact to ALL enemies but gain 1BeatofDeath. At the start of odd turns gain [E]. Even turns, draw 2 cards. | Contains heavily tainted blood from a far more menacing evil plague, the Spireblight fears it. |
Cursedfish |  | Boss | | At the start of combat put one UpgradedBurn in every pile and your hand. Upon drawing a Burn gain [E] and draw 2.bundlecore:Quest - Hexaghostbundlecore:Destiny.bundlecore:Keybane - Burn+. | It looks like one of the wisps stored in the great seal, perhaps you should put it back... |
Flare Gun |  | Boss | | At the start of your turn, apply Flare to a random enemy. The first time each turn you deal unblocked attack damage to an enemy with Flare gain [E]. | Once humbled an eldritch god, perhaps you will see similar success. |
Golden Fishing Rod |  | Boss | | Raise your maximum hand size by 5. When a card is removed from battle, draw 1 card. Etheral cards always exhaust. bundlecore:Quest:bingus:Fishing. | The sea is calling... |
Greedy Ring |  | Boss | | Shop prices are reduced by 20% and combats give 80% more Gold. Dealing unblocked attack damage causes you to gain 2 Gold. | A very blingy accessory that exudes a menacing aura. It also contains a merchants union engraving. |
Paladin's Shield |  | Boss | | At the start of combat gain 6Metallicize. Every 10 times you gain Block gain 1Blur. | The great bulwark of the dungeons depths, it is nigh unbreakable. |
Plantera's Seedling |  | Boss | | At the start of your turn gain [E] and draw 2 cards, but become Vulnerable.bundlecore:Quest:bingus:Plantera_Escape. | ... Run |
Terra Blade |  | Boss | | For every enemy in the room, you deal 20% more damage and lose 1 less HP when you would lose HP. | A blade made with perfect balance from the spirits of light and dark, it can protect you and cut through evil. |
The Axe |  | Boss | | Damage is increased by 75%. When you gain Block, gain 2 less. | ...and her music was metal. |
Autohammer |  | Shop | | Every second card added to your deck is Upgraded. | I don't think there will be mush room left in your bag for other relics after putting this one away... |
Fishron Wings |  | Shop | | Lose 5 less hp when you lose hp, reduced by 1 for every 5 cards played this combat. | If only you could fly on these salty wings forever, perhaps you could escape the spire... |
Flesh Knuckles |  | Shop | | At the start of your turn, draw 2 cards but ALL enemies gain 1Strength. | And now their attention is squarely focused on you... |
Peddlers Satchel |  | Shop | | Contains 2 relics. Obtain them by fighting Elite enemies. Cannot drop CommonRelics | Don't ask me how i got it! - Shopkeeper. |
Seedling |  | Shop | | At the start of combat gain 1Orb slot and channel 1bingus:Seedling. | A lesser plant of the jungle, thankfully this one wont hunt you. |
Name | Description |
Antifact | The next time a creature with antifact tries to gain a buff, it will be negated. |
Crit | If you have equal or more than the listed amount of CriticalRage, it will perform the additional listed effect(s) and you lose that many stacks. |
Fish Revenge | Can only be found naturally after defeating Duke Fishron. |
Fish Skip | Can only be found naturally after defeating Duke Fishron on Ascension 20. |
Fishing | The first event you encounter is replaced with an event where you gain bait. In act 4 you will fish up something with it. |
Magic | A type of attack that ignores all powers, even your own ones. |
Mana | A resource used by Magic cards. |
Mana Capacity | Increases your maximum Mana and ManaRegeneration. |
Mana Regeneration | At the start of your turn, you gain mana equal to 10% of your ManaCapacity. |
Multiword Keyword | Make sure the first element in the NAMES is the same as your PROPER_NAME. The rest should use _ to replace spaces and be entirely lowercase. In card text, you'll use the underscore versions. |
Old Man | Can only be found naturally after defeating the Old Duke. |
Plantera Escape | When you pickup this relic, Plantera will begin to climb a floor with every minute that passes during the run. On Ascension 20 she will climb twice as fast. Once plantera is within 3 floors, there is no escape. |
Plantera's Blossom | Can only be found naturally after defeating Plantera on Ascension 20. |
Plantkill | Can only be found naturally after defeating Plantera. |
Retentive | Retentiveness is a cards ability to avoid being Exhausted. Ordered as: Ethereal > Exhaust. Normal > Ethereal.Retain > Normal. |
Seedling | Orb. Passive: Gain 1PlatedArmor. Evoke: Gain 2Metallicize plus 2 per Focus. |
Senior Moment | Can only be found naturally after defeating the Old Duke on Ascension 20. |
This is displayed in the tooltip. | This is displayed in the tooltip. Note, spaces are not allowed in NAMES. Also, they should be entirely lowercase. For multi-word keywords, see the next one. |
Critical Rage | A resource that can be consumed in order to CriticalStrike. |