Bundle Of Terra relics

Platinum Coin StashDeprecatedUpon pickup, gain 600 gold.An overflowing satchel filled with platinum coins. So rare you have probably never seen one before.
Breaker BladeCommonDeal 50% more damage to enemies with 90% or more HP remaining.Get your head out of the clouds, there are enemies to fight!
LawnmowerCommonIf you do not play any Skills during your turn, gain an additional [E] next turn. If you do not play any Powers during your turn, draw an additional card next turn.The blades spin endlessly inside, perhaps you should too.
Leaf BlowerCommonEvery 10 times you exhaust a card, apply 1Weak to a random enemy.Try taking the dust from your exhausted cards and blow it at your enemies? A splendid tool! - Ranwid.
Slice of CakeCommonUpon pickup, gain 2 Max HP. The first time a curse is exhausted each combat, draw 2 cards.Its sweet taste gets rid of the aftertaste of the grim deeds partaken in while climbing the spire.
AmbrosiaUncommonUpon pickup, gain 2 Max HP. Whenever you play 10 skills, gain [E] and draw 1 card.Additively Delicious, made with an almost endless sea of fruits.
Ankh ShieldUncommonWhen you get a debuff, negate it and gain 2Metallicize. Goes on cooldown for 5 turns.Eternal Life?
Cloud in a BottleUncommonUpon pickup, choose a card. When you draw it, draw 1 more card and discard 1 card.Let your problems float away, even this card if you don't want it.
Fart in a JarUncommonUpon pickup, choose a card. Each time the card was drawn this combat, ALL enemies gain 1Poison at the start of the turn.Somehow the Zoologist's venture was worse than the party girl bathwater...
FlaironUncommonWhen you play an Attack, increase the counter by 4. Playing a Skill resets the counter, the first time this happens each combat gain equal Vigor.Bubbles go pop, but enemy also goes pop, fun isn't it? - Kublai the Great
Galaxy PearlUncommonThere is a 10% chance to add a common Relic reward, then 25% chance to obtain two additional Cards in each reward at the end of each combat. Doubled chances to pay out in Elite or Boss rooms.I wonder what oyster this fell out of?
MinisharkUncommonAt the start of your turn, deal 6 damage to a random enemy.Apparently its half a shark, who knows how dangerous a full one could be!
Sandstorm in a BottleUncommonUpon pickup, choose a card. When you play it, the next card you play this turn goes ontop of your draw pile.Sandstorm music *INTENSIFIES*.
Tsunami in a BottleUncommonUpon pickup, choose a card. When you draw it, Retain your hand this turn.What a nice bottle to put an ocean in...
Aegis FruitRareThe first time you would lose HP each combat, lose 4 less now and for the rest of the turn.It looks like a fruit, but it would break your teeth.
BaconRareUpon pickup, gain 7 Max HP. Whenever you play a card that cost 4 or more, gain 2Strength,Dexterity and Focus.Just add water.
Beetle ArmorRareYou lose 4 less HP when you lose HP, until after you have played a Skill during this turn.Three beetles will protect you, but only while you assert your dominance over the spire, they distain weakness.
Blizzard in a BottleRareUpon pickup, choose a card. The card is more bundlecore:Retentive.Don't let it go, don't let it go!
Daedlus StormbowRareWhen you deal unblocked attack damage, a random enemy takes 1 damage and increase this amount by 1 until you take unblocked attack damage or play a Skill.Experienced players can hear this relic and the stars it makes...
Golf CartRareEvery 10 times you deal unblocked Attack damage, gain 10Block.Smells faintly of a ham and cheese toastie. The duke malds at the sight of it.
Gummy WormRareAt the start of your turn, except the first, draw 1 less but put a card from your discard pile into your hand.Its advised to go fishing with this relic.
Nettle BurstRareWhen you hit something with Attack damage, apply 1Poison, and 3 more times if the target has block leftover.A staff replicating vines from a great menace of the jungle.
Rod of DiscordRareThe first time each combat you lose hp during your turn, gain 1Intangible. You may click this relics button once per combat to lose 6 HP.A handy tool to make a daring escape, or teleport into a wall!
StarfuryRareWhen you deal unblocked Attack damage, deal 2 damage to a random enemy.As you swing this new blade, stars begin to fall on creatures that wished to harm you.
Vital CrystalRareWhenever you play 10 cards, heal 2 HP.Helps you recover health faster, you can faintly see a red crystal trapped inside this shell.
Truffle WormSpecialEvery time you enter "?" and Elite rooms, heal 6 HP.Warning!
Celestial ShellBossAt the start of combat, gain 4Metallicize,1Strength,Dexterity,Focus, and 1Orb slot. At the start of your turn, gain 3Vigor.It no longer stacks.
Crimson HeartBossAt the start of combat, apply 2bundlecore:Antifact to ALL enemies but gain 1BeatofDeath. At the start of odd turns gain [E]. Even turns, draw 2 cards.Contains heavily tainted blood from a far more menacing evil plague, the Spireblight fears it.
CursedfishBossAt the start of combat put one UpgradedBurn in every pile and your hand. Upon drawing a Burn gain [E] and draw 2.bundlecore:Quest - Hexaghostbundlecore:Destiny.bundlecore:Keybane - Burn+.It looks like one of the wisps stored in the great seal, perhaps you should put it back...
Flare GunBossAt the start of your turn, apply Flare to a random enemy. The first time each turn you deal unblocked attack damage to an enemy with Flare gain [E].Once humbled an eldritch god, perhaps you will see similar success.
Golden Fishing RodBossRaise your maximum hand size by 5. When a card is removed from battle, draw 1 card. Etheral cards always exhaust. bundlecore:Quest:bingus:Fishing.The sea is calling...
Greedy RingBossShop prices are reduced by 20% and combats give 80% more Gold. Dealing unblocked attack damage causes you to gain 2 Gold.A very blingy accessory that exudes a menacing aura. It also contains a merchants union engraving.
Paladin's ShieldBossAt the start of combat gain 6Metallicize. Every 10 times you gain Block gain 1Blur.The great bulwark of the dungeons depths, it is nigh unbreakable.
Plantera's SeedlingBossAt the start of your turn gain [E] and draw 2 cards, but become Vulnerable.bundlecore:Quest:bingus:Plantera_Escape.... Run
Terra BladeBossFor every enemy in the room, you deal 20% more damage and lose 1 less HP when you would lose HP.A blade made with perfect balance from the spirits of light and dark, it can protect you and cut through evil.
The AxeBossDamage is increased by 75%. When you gain Block, gain 2 less....and her music was metal.
AutohammerShopEvery second card added to your deck is Upgraded.I don't think there will be mush room left in your bag for other relics after putting this one away...
Fishron WingsShopLose 5 less hp when you lose hp, reduced by 1 for every 5 cards played this combat.If only you could fly on these salty wings forever, perhaps you could escape the spire...
Flesh KnucklesShopAt the start of your turn, draw 2 cards but ALL enemies gain 1Strength.And now their attention is squarely focused on you...
Peddlers SatchelShopContains 2 relics. Obtain them by fighting Elite enemies. Cannot drop CommonRelicsDon't ask me how i got it! - Shopkeeper.
SeedlingShopAt the start of combat gain 1Orb slot and channel 1bingus:Seedling.A lesser plant of the jungle, thankfully this one wont hunt you.

Bundle Of Terra potions

Red PotionPlaceholderGain 3Buffs?(10%chancetofailforeach.)
Bouncy DynamiteCommonDeal 35 damage to a random enemy with a small chance of instead dealing 5 damage to yourself instead.
Featherfall PotionCommonRetain your hand this turn and draw 1 more next turn.
Flask of FireCommonDealing unblocked attack damage applies 1OnFire to the enemy.
Flask of NanitesCommonBecome Confused and Reroll your hand. Draw 1 more each turn.
Summoning PotionCommonGain 1OrbSlots and channel 1Finch.
Swiftness PotionCommonDraw 4 cards and discard 2 cards.
Thorny BrewCommonFor the next 1 turn(s) enemies will take full damage back when striking you.
Builder PotionUncommonThe next Power you gain this turn has 2 more stacks.
Endurance PotionUncommonGain 2Endurance.
Inferno PotionUncommonALL enemies lose 3 HP and cause ALL enemies to take 3 damage each turn.
Rage PotionUncommonFor the next 1 turn(s) all cards played will cause you to gain 3Vigor.
Super Mana PotionUncommonGain 3 energy and draw 3 cards, but also gain 3Weak.
Venomous CoatingUncommonGain 2VenomImbue
Wrath PotionUncommonEnter Wrath
Greater Luck PotionRareGain 1Luck and 1 additional card reward.
HoneyfinRareHeal 12 HP, gain 3Metallicize and 2Strength.
Inferno CoatingRareGain 1CursedInfernoImbue
Teleportation PotionRareCan only be used in combat. Enter an Elite or Event room. Cannot be used in Boss rooms. Sometimesendsverypoorly.
Titan PotionRareStriking enemies makes them temporarily lose 1Strength.

Bundle Of Terra keywords

AntifactThe next time a creature with antifact tries to gain a buff, it will be negated.
CritIf you have equal or more than the listed amount of CriticalRage, it will perform the additional listed effect(s) and you lose that many stacks.
Fish RevengeCan only be found naturally after defeating Duke Fishron.
Fish SkipCan only be found naturally after defeating Duke Fishron on Ascension 20.
FishingThe first event you encounter is replaced with an event where you gain bait. In act 4 you will fish up something with it.
MagicA type of attack that ignores all powers, even your own ones.
ManaA resource used by Magic cards.
Mana CapacityIncreases your maximum Mana and ManaRegeneration.
Mana RegenerationAt the start of your turn, you gain mana equal to 10% of your ManaCapacity.
Multiword KeywordMake sure the first element in the NAMES is the same as your PROPER_NAME. The rest should use _ to replace spaces and be entirely lowercase. In card text, you'll use the underscore versions.
Old ManCan only be found naturally after defeating the Old Duke.
Plantera EscapeWhen you pickup this relic, Plantera will begin to climb a floor with every minute that passes during the run. On Ascension 20 she will climb twice as fast. Once plantera is within 3 floors, there is no escape.
Plantera's BlossomCan only be found naturally after defeating Plantera on Ascension 20.
PlantkillCan only be found naturally after defeating Plantera.
RetentiveRetentiveness is a cards ability to avoid being Exhausted. Ordered as: Ethereal > Exhaust. Normal > Ethereal.Retain > Normal.
SeedlingOrb. Passive: Gain 1PlatedArmor. Evoke: Gain 2Metallicize plus 2 per Focus.
Senior MomentCan only be found naturally after defeating the Old Duke on Ascension 20.
This is displayed in the tooltip.This is displayed in the tooltip. Note, spaces are not allowed in NAMES. Also, they should be entirely lowercase. For multi-word keywords, see the next one.
Critical RageA resource that can be consumed in order to CriticalStrike.

Bundle Of Terra creatures

Duke FishronNormal799